PhD candidate in Cognitive Neuroscience

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior

Interests: Sleep, REM sleep in particular, brain neurodegeneration, sleep disorders, and deep learning


When I had to choose a major, I was undecided between pursuing a career in technology or medicine. I opted for technology, nevertheless, I have always been looking for opportunities to combine my passion for neuroscience. For a long time, I thought I would never be able to do it, however, during my bachelor's degree, I discovered that it is possible. Since then, I am fascinated by understanding and describing brain mechanisms, from electrophysiology, neuroimaging biomarkers, to functional connectivity.

I did a bachelor in telecommunication engineering at Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil, with research stays in Birmingham and Chicago, working with MRI, REM sleep disorders, and Parkinson’s disease. During my masters in computational engineering at University of Campinas, Brazil, I investigated Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis using MRI and deep learning. I am currently pursueing my doctoral degree in the Radboud University Medical Centre, at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, under the supervision of Dr. Martin Dresler.

In my PhD in the Sleep & Memory Lab I investigate the neurobiology of human REM sleep throughout a comprehensive physiological characterization utilizing recent developments in neuroimaging, with a focus on EEG/fMRI combined. Mariana's academic publications can be found online.

Besides science, I love traveling, cooking, lifting weights, and painting watercolor. I am also passionate about knowledge exchange especially with the fellow females from underdeveloped countries such as my home country Brazil. My aspiration is to promote equality and technical support, which can allow women to have the necessary skills required in both academia and industry.



Authors Year Title Journal Link
Herrera, W., Pereira, M., Bento, M., Lapa, A. T., Appenzeller, S., Rittner, L. 2020 A framework for quality assessment of corpus callosum segmentation in large-scale studies Journal of Neuroscience Methods Read here
Pereira, M., Fantini, I., Lotufo, R., Rittner, L. 2020 An extended-2D CNN for multiclass Alzheimer's Disease diagnosis through Structural MRI. SPIE Medical Imaging 2020: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Read here
Pereira, M., Magalhaes, T., Lotufo, R., Balthazar, M., Rittner, L. 2019 A Brazilian dataset domain adaptation to diagnose Alzheimer's disease and subjects with cognitive deficit using convolutional neural networks. Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology Read here
Pereira, M., Lotufo, R., Rittner, L. 2018 An extended-2D CNN approach for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease through structural MRI. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2019 Read here
Pereira, M., Herrera, W., Lotufo, R., Rittner, L. 2018 Neural correlates of temporal complexity and synchrony during audiovisual correspondence detection Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology Read here
Pereira, M., Cover, G., Appenzeller, S., Rittner, L. 2018 Corpus callosum parcellation methods: a quantitative comparative study. Medical Imaging 2018: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging Read here
Cover, G., Pereira, M., Bento, M., Appelenzer, S., Rittner, L. 2017 Data-Driven Corpus Callosum Parcellation Method through Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IEEE Access: Advanced Signal Processing Methods in Medical Imaging Read here


Authors Year Title Journal Link
Pereira, M. 2019 An extended-2D CNN approach for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease through structural MRI University of Campinas (M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, GPA 4.0) Read here


Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Sleep and Memory Lab

Kapittelweg 29,
6525 EN